your blog banned from adsense or not

your blog banned from adsense or not

In this issue I will give you a way to discover that they fit your blog or
To place ads and Adsense Is it violates the terms of Adsense or not, many of the

google adsense banned

 many of bloggers Find it difficult for knowing if her blog is banned from google adsense or not , google adsense make banned many blogs and not say anything to bloggers 
and now how i know if my blog or website banned from google adsense or not?

in this topic i will show you website that tell you if your blog is banned from google adsense or not

go to website  here

your blog banned from adsense or not

in this picture you see i put my blog and i push subsmit bottom and website show you the resultat

of my blog this website  shown me this resultat

Adsense Results:

Congratulations, is Not Banned from Google AdSense!

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