the sixth part of a series how to make money from service websites

the sixth part of a series how to make money from service websites

the sixth part of a series how to make money from service websites

In this section we will review some of the principles and foundations which indispensable in achieving the highest sales service locations, and wish everyone to focus us in this part it contains important things will help to reach a good profit by working on the sites services, permission to begin on the poolAlmighty God:
We started we explained in the previous sections, all fired examples on Fiverr website service so we will continue what we started walking the same which approach , which is the release of all examples of Fiver site also:

Latest - Bestseller - Top RatedThe site's home page Fiverr and other service locations will find this list any different shape essential one is almost combine all service locations on something essential is the inclusion of these previous menu or classification in question, and the reason for this no doubt is to highlight the services is always best to float on the surface and this is done by offering services bestseller, as well as services Top Rated As for rating the latter a (recent) goal where different and I think that the main reason behind this classification is to bring some kind of balance between best sellers and sellers of new, and give these two a chance in the competition to get into classifications others So the first rule that we would like to focus on here is that you are always seats in rating the newest and through which show your services even more which increases the chances for applications to be implemented, then tried to add at least every day service if I had to delete Service found on the website but you did not check out any sales, then cancel and modification in which the best and add it and so will have booked your seat in the classification of services later, and the amendment to the existing service after deleted and added again is very important so as to you if you delete the service and added again could notes administer the site that perhaps influenced your account, so it is very necessary to modify the service and add them after they have been deleted original service and so will have booked seats in the page later, and Aahbma if you add a day only one service without being amended or deleted services displayed on your page, it will give you strength, no doubt.And thus achieved the first step. 

Second : I am trying to have a seat at least in rating Top Rated This is easy and is done through you follow the first step and then followed by seeking to obtain from each person offers his service to the comment good for you, and even comment good everyone's positive assessment do not rush to terminate any service before you can be sure of satisfied customer them so as to ensure that it will here comment rated positive and not negative but did not find him satisfied to be canceled service and received the money that you snapped his money without his satisfaction with the service and in the latter case will baptizing undoubtedly to Your negative evaluation, it is true you may take advantage of the value of the service, which are often $ 4 after deducting a commission site, but this advantage does not fit at all with what will befall you from the damage you will notice the impact later, you'll fall sales to non-existent and will lose people trust you and will not be for you a place on the site then what will obligate you to that go away without irreversible.So I strive always to that comment positive your customers a positive assessment and Always put yourself in the shoes of the customer and ask yourself a question if you do you will get this service you will be satisfied with the quality or not?My advice to you here in this part is that you always surprise your customer to give a gift for each service requested by you, or that urges him to your positive assessment in return for giving an additional gift, and so on.And we come to a partial third, a best-selling and you can book your seat in this category also follow tips mentioned above in addition to that you focus on the issue of the price of the service so let serve you always proportionate price is not the price which the hyperbole and inroad and also it clear where understatement for your efforts and I know very well that the best you can offer service low price and sell them a lot and broadcast your reputation on the site, better than expensive service offered and sold only a few will not get it, but some communities without everyone.In the next  article ideas and other techniques to increase sales in the mini-service locations. Follow us ...

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