10 ways to earn Money on the Internet

10 ways to earn Money on the Internet

10 ways to earn money on the internet

Hello, Today, the phrase " How to earn money on the internet " has become well known , and when you search on a search engine , each site offers us different than those published on other sites method!
 And that is why I thought to write this article will be of great benefit if you are a beginner or even a professional .
 In fact , the word "win" has several meanings , the most suitable way and most used is the one used for raffles or games of chance , " X has won a car ... " Obviously, the chance does not demand enough work , and sometimes not more ! 
 While the fact of Making Money on the Internet is quite different to the work is essential, but the hours may vary ! A web entrepreneur can condense hours of work in a few hours , and be free for several months 8) Note that if you want to make money you must CREATE information !  
Whether creating a site or not , the important thing is to create a type of information that can be paid later or converted into coins (information can not be created 100% by for example the sale of affiliate products). 
 Create a website to earn money is the method that you all know , but this is only one of several methods ! In this article you 'll learn how it works and the different techniques used to "earn" money on the Internet. Come on ! How to make money on the Internet : Before you begin ... I decided to give you a little information about all the methods that you will discover in this article , read and take notes if necessary! 
 Earn money ,
 the basic principles ! Here is a quote : To have power believe he must be, act and Wanting ! Only want to earn money is not good ... It must be parallel to this, the wish to help users (or not) , because if you offer to be or go buy a product from a site which contains only advertising, so be sure you 'll win in the long run nothing.  
And if you sell products , these products must be useful and requested by users or customers, if you want to earn with advertising you have to offer free content , or if you want to win an E- commerce site ( purchase only ) 
you must provide next to each product a brief description about it , and why not a video As is the case with Easytutoriel.com you will find free content with advertising that does not block user and shop online to facilitate people 's access to books and tutorials in either receive a click.  
And as I 've said , there are several ways to "earn" money without creating a website that is using viral videos on video sites ( Youtube, Dailymotion , ...) to sell products, or by using paid advertising , promoting a product on an e -commerce ( Amazon.fr ) site and earn a commission on each product sold!
 Another method , there are sites online work - by time or performing a task - (like Odesk ) that save for a few good hours euros, so if you know for example create websites you can create sites for others and receive ca $ h ! As you have noticed, this area is very vague ! And so I'll try this just to give you the most cost effective and efficient solutions to "earn" money on the Internet and why not have more liabilities that can be a real way to monetize your money out and traveling :) 
A web entrepreneur , who is it? An entrepreneur is a person motivated and carrier projects is climbing malgès risks and changes affecting the market. On the Internet, it's all to do the same thing for a project to be remunerative , always try different formulas without fear , who does not act does not win ! Have the entrepreneurial spirit that is always thinking about things that can help explode the turnover of a business , whether online or offline . You can, for example , if you have a website that is primarily nourished advertisements, change several times the ad placement , or change the way you present your products if you sell products .  
A good entrepreneur is the one who gives more importance to its customers, because customers are buying THEM its products or the products of its affiliates.
 Before contractor or web entrepreneur must have a clear goal , a fixed goal, and work without stop until he can get! Personally, earning money is not really my true purpose , and that is how to think, but it should be the same as wanting , but not much ! To provide good content ! So to make MORE money , you really take it seriously ! BUT this does not mean that there are no easy methods , if they exist, but these methods do not earn much more ... 
The language of the web ( some voc . ): It is essential to know some technical terms for to get used to the jargon that we will often treat it, and talk about in our next articles ... Here are some terms that we will use in sentences that are : 

1) CMS  content management system based on PHP script a CMS allows you to manage the content of a website easily .  

2) SEO : The set of techniques designed to propitiate the content of a website to search engines (Google) .  

3) Traffic : The amount of data downloaded by users visiting a website , the more traffic , the greater the number of visits and page printing is great, and the bandwidth of the accommodation is great ! PageRank : Algorithm analysis links contributing to the classification system used by Web pages the search engine Google. (source)

4) Backlink : A link from a website or a web page , the more you have backlinks ( dofollow ) plus you get a PR ( PageRank ) high! Turning to the first method to make money is to create a website! Making money by 
5) creating a website : Earn money using a website: Before thinking about creating a website, it must consider the need for this, try to define a niche that will be profitable by subsequently, either by disseminating advertising or selling products or services sometimes offer online! After finding a niche market , you need to educate yourself on what you can offer as content to attract people ( traffic ) , that if you do not have the means to pay for advertising or to purchase a list leads ( emails , ... ) ! The number one source of traffic for most websites is search engine (Google) , so you really have to find the right niche where there may be little competition , because competition kills beginners before he even think to start. For starters, they can create sites that fourniment services without content, such as an online proxy , here is a tutorial on how to create a proxy for free: http://www.easytutoriel.com/creer-site-web -proxy -free- PHProxy / you create the site, you put advertising in and presto! You publish it on forums and other indexing sites to gain more traffic and thus earn more money ! How to create this site? There are several ways, either using static pages (XHTML / CSS ), or you are using a CMS , read this tutorial : http://www.easytutoriel.com/cms-comment-marche-choisir/ Note: WordPress the most widely used CMS on the web, and it is already that I used on this website!  

i will continated the article in next time enjoy

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